Tuesday, August 31, 2010

UFO Tuesday

Really?  It's UFO Tuesday again?  It seems like just yesterday that we were celebrating my inability to complete a project.

We're still working our way through the quilting projects (we will be working our way through the quilting projects for awhile, by the way).  I think of this one as "Dresdan by Way of Honolulu."  It's kind of an unintentional representation of a Don Ho concert.  The Hawaiian fabrics, the blue of the ocean in the background, the tourists of European decent standing out like a sore thumb in the foreground,  a "tiny bubble" in the center of the plate...  Wow, until I started writing about it, I had no idea how high concept it was.
The "Dresdan by Way of Honolulu" quilt would go a lot faster if it weren't for me wanting to do the applique by hand.  I'm not a fan of doing machine applique as I don't like doing it, and I don't love the way it looks.

Next up, this batik quilt.  Cindy J. gave me a bunch of batik scraps (I'm a scrap collector, by the way; love the scraps!).  This is what I made.  I've sewed the blocks into big chunks like this, but have just let it sit since then.  It would probably take me less than an hour to sew those chunks together and I would be ready to add a border.  Ah, but what to do with the border.  That is is dilemma.
I really do love scraps.  I have bags and boxes and baskets of scraps.  I love them.  I especially love what other quilters often call their "waste triangles."  Waste?  These triangles are like gold!  These are the triangles that are trimmed away when making Flying Geese or Snowballs, etc.  So many of these poor triangles end up in the garbage.  It's tragic.  If you sew them up, trim them to a uniform size and sew them into blocks, add in some sashing and a border, and you can often get a baby quilt out of them.  Denise S., my greatest source of cast off triangles, gave me these.
Last, but not least, is my version of a crazy quilt.  Oh no, I can't do a traditional crazy quilt.  I have to do it my own way.  I love the concept of this quilt, but I don't like a few of the decisions I've made.  For example, I don't like the decision to using batting behind the embroidery.  Many people suggested this to me, but I am really unhappy that I did it as I now am going to have to come up with a really clever solution to sew it together.  It makes my brain hurt to think about it.  Also, I used a transfer pen with the mermaid and it bled.  Oy, that was a bad decision.  I can't decide whether to just live with the flaw or chuck that block.  I hate to chuck it with all that embroidery.  I'll just punish it for awhile longer until I know what to do.
I've now confessed another 4 projects that are unfinished, but not forgotten.  See you next week.  And the week after.  And the week after.  And the week after....

Seacrest, out.
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